Our Communities

East New York- Senator Makes The Holidays A Little Brighter For ENY Kids
Posted OnDecember 17, 2018 byCanarsie Courier| December 17, 2018 State Senator Roxanne Persaud hosted a toy giveaway at Hebron Baptist Church, 450 Fountain Avenue, on Thursday, December 13th. The holiday event was held in partnership with the New York City District Council of Carpenters (NYCDCC), the Carpenter Contractor Alliance of Metropolitan New York (CCA Metro) and No Kids Left…Read More…

NYCDCC Donates Thanksgiving Turkeys
Posted OnDecember 6, 2018 byBronx Times| December 6, 2018 | By Robert Wirsing On Monday, November 19, the New York City & Vicinity District Council of Carpenters hosted a Turkey Drive in the south Bronx in coordination with Assemblyman Marcos Crespo to give a special Thanksgiving meal to families in need. The District Council donated 170 turkeys for families…Read More…

NYC Carpenters Union Helps to Re-Build Puerto Rico
Posted OnFebruary 7, 2018 byQueens Latino| February 7, 2018 | By Joseph Geiger More than 100 days after the island of Puerto Rico was devastated by category 4 and 5 hurricanes Maria and Irma, the island is still suffering. About half the people of Puerto Rico spent their holidays in the dark still without power, shortages of critical supplies…Read More…

PR Hurricane Relief Christmas Toy Drive
Posted OnDecember 30, 2017 byThe Bronx Chronicle| December 30, 2017 Back on December 18, the NYC District Council of Carpenters ran a successful toy drive to benefit the children in some of the most hurricane-ravaged areas of Puerto Rico. Many of the union’s members who have been sent down as well as the toys received were from Bronx members/residents….Read More…